Einstein showed us a famous equation when he presented his General Theory of Relativity and his subsequent scientific career.   Albert Einstein was famous for his genius equation and way of looking at the world, but many people do not know that Einstein was committed to the development of the mind of the human species.  He exemplified this in many ways, and stood up for that principle through many fields.

Einstein represents the shift in thinking that is necessary to change the current problems we face
Einstein represents the shift in thinking that is necessary to change the current problems we face

The idea that the mind of man should be able to understand the way that god put the universe together was Einstein's driving principle.   He was very musically inclined, and used Mozart and Bach to help discern discovery, often playing late at night to uncover answers to some of his mathematical riddles.  Interestingly, he did maintain standards in regards to music, preferring Bach and Mozart rather than less refined Wagner and Strauss.

Albert Einstein was thoroughly against war, and the idea of Rascism, Militarism, and the use of Nuclear Weapons.  When Einstein arrived in the US in 1933 he never left, except for a short immigration trip, until his passing in 1955.  He spoke against McCarthyism and said it was akin to the Nazi politik he observed while living in Germany.

This created a certain angnst among the Powers that Be.  The FBI had a massive file on him.

Einstein was asked once about his views on religion, which he replied,

"Yes you can call it that, try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that behind the discernable laws and connections there remains something subtle,  intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond anything we can comprehend is my religion. In that sense, i am in fact religious. "

 When asked , do you believe in god?

"I'm not an atheist.  The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds.  We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books of many languages, the child knows someone must have written those books, the child does not know how, the child does not understand the languages in which they were written in. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books, but doesn't know what this is.  That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward god. We see the universe marvelously arranged obeying certain laws, but only dimly understand these laws."

His fight for the cause never ended as any great man would know, as he stated eloquently:

 "A large part of history is ... replete with the struggle for ... human rights, an eternal struggle in which a final victory can never be won. But to tire in that struggle would mean the ruin of society." —Albert Einstein

This awareness and type of thinking is needed now more than ever.

‘The force’ made popular by the re-kindled Star Wars franchise and it’s huge fan-base has become something of a cliché in recent years with ‘the May the 4th be with you’ celebrations and costume gatherings that have come to be an annual part of the festivities, but the idea of ‘the force’ is based on an ancient truth.\r\n

 Science is confirming that we are all buzzing around at a certain base frequency of brain waves that resonates between the Delta Wave range of 4-8 Hz and the Alpha Range of 9-14 Hz.  Our brains cells are vibrating and resonating with each other on this level of vibration, literally creating a field of electromagnetic potential that a person can tap into by expanding their awareness.



The force is with all of us


This expansive awareness can be brought on by the utilizing the ancient techniques of yoga and meditation to calm your mind and to begin to notice the subtle feelings involved in such a finely tuned field of awareness.  These ancient techniques, as well as in some of the mystical practices of the worlds mystery religions like the wiccans and pagans to name just two, are used to help bring a focus to the feeling senses that help to connect you to ‘the force’.


If you have a mind (assumed because you are reading this) you are already connected to ‘the force’, you just may not always recognize it.  Whenever you know who it is calling you, or have the shivers from a touching moment, or think of someone and run in to them unexpectedly, you are experiencing 'the force' in action. Meanwhile, ‘The force’ is literally being recognized by science at the height of modern physiology right now.  Consider this quote from the book ‘The healing power of Neurofeedback’ by Dr. Stephen Larson;


All living creatures have electro-magnetic components that play a part in governing their structure and physiology.  Electricity and magnetism are intimately involved in the sensing and communicating systems of living organisms.  The idea of a global interacting electromagnetic field within organisms is based on a new biophysical view of life.  This view calls us to look at the human body as an electromagnetic organism that contains informational systems or structures.  The atomic structure as having an electrical nature has, in fact, been proposed to establish the energetic basis for life itself. –Evelyn Soehner, M.A


 from the book ‘The healing power of Neurofeedback’ -Dr. Stephen Larson


Modern science is catching up to the ancient mystics and becoming aware of the pervading field of existence that allows the body to heal and grow and thrive in a killer world, and how we are all within this pool of brain waves, interconnected, whether we like it or not.   


the brainwave frequencies


While neuroscience has recently made it\'s gains and the Brain Control Interface (BCI)is slowly taking shape to bring us a digitally connected, ultra-awareness through constant wireless communication known as Augmented Reality, the empirical evidence for a subtle mind-field is supported by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Aruyvedic Medicine brought to us by ancient scholars and the founders of health and preventative care.  


In TCM, the flowing of \'Chi\' is vital to health and could be directed by intention and cultivating will as well as by using the five elements to balance the harmony of forces.  The old tales of long-life, superhuman strength, telekinesis, and extraordinary leaping abilities can all be attributed to 'the force' of 'Chi' and the control of mind over matter.


TCM meridians and chakras


image credit wikipedia


In Ayurvedic medicine, the chakras are a well known example of how the energetic body interfaces with the mind field and a person\'s overall awareness.  This is a breakdown of your overall \'Prana\' the sanskrit term for life-force energy.  The Chakras, or energy centers, are impacted by what you eat, how you take care of yourself, and who you choose to hang out with. Everyone knows that person who is an \'energy drain\' or \'vampire\' that you feel tired after being around and this is also related to the mind-field and chakras, or \'the force\' that people may not truly recognize.  Some of these people have what is referred to as the \'Jedi mind trick\' and can convince you to do stuff you really don\'t want to like waste your time and efforts.  This is also a chakra power imbalance and if you consciously bring your attention to your energy centers, you can balance out this feeling of imbalance in your energy field, and often times the imbalance will work itself out.  Consider what the chakras can represent and how you are connected to others in these aspects, what your roles are with their 'energy centers' compared to yours.




There are many other cultures and belief systems that believe in something like 'the force', and that includes Christianity and the 'holy spirit'.  The mystical idea of the 'holy spirit' lives in all things and moves all things and could be compared to an ultra-awareness or potential in the universe.  The holy spirit is brought on by prayer to a high power, a conduit to miracles, a call to great spirit to intervene, a force by another name is still, a force.


peace be upon you, everyone


Of course organized religion has been described by the mechanists as the opiate of the masses, but the point of all religions of any flavor is to ignite the inner awareness spawned within your third eye, which connects you to source and spirit.  To begin to become aware of this mind-field potential, there are many practices one can do cultivate the inner knowing that it takes.  For those that are interested, the following is a short exercise to perform with a partner that will help you to become aware of the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body and connects you to the universe.  This field allows you to know, heal and grow and maintain awareness and has  been studied and verified by science.


1. make sure you are well hydrated and nourished, with no distractions in the room excepting soft music.  Remove your shoes, and sit comfortably with a partner cross legged on the carpet or a yoga mat.


2. After slowing and deepening your breathing, gently rub the palms of your hands together to stimulate the nerve endings and to create static electricity in your fingertips, then place your hands softly upon your knees with the palms facing up.


3. After a minute of deep breathing with your palms facing upward and your eyes closed while breathing slowly and deeply, both participants shall slowly and intently bring their hands toward their heart as if they were holding a softball of light.  Gently squeeze and massage this glowing ball of white and golden, glittering light.


4. After generating and visualizing a ball of light in the center of your hands in front of your heart, have one of the participants, place their hands just 2-3 inches above the hands of the other participant whom has placed their hands back upon their knees palms up, without touching them, while the hands up participant keeps their eyes closed.  The first person, feels into their hands and maintains that image of a bright ball of glowing energy in their palm, and when each hand has this glowing marble that is well envisioned and glowing brightly in the minds eye, the visual imagery becomes a burst of a flash of light, every few seconds, to \'reach out\' in the light body into the other persons awareness.  This bursting out in the light body is to be visualized as a pure heart light burst toward the other with a positive intention of reaching out to the other person\'s soul-body.  After several minutes of this visualization exercise, have the person\'s switch their roles in the exercise, repeating from step 3.


Discuss any feelings and thoughts or sensations you experienced with your partner after the exercise to see how the perceptions coincide and differ.


Using your intuition and cultivating your awareness are a part of opening up to the 5th dimensional reality we are evolving into.  This transition and new wave of coherence is related to the inner growth of man and his universal awareness, now that the outer growth of dominion has been mostly completed.  This is the new awareness that can help stop suffering on this planet and is to be regarded as sacred, please use your light body awareness cautiously as you grow into your full flowered self.


Who knows, maybe now that science has validated it, someone can use the force to build some new monolithic structures, like the pyramids, since we haven’t figured that out using our ‘modern’ methods …..yet.



This World is powered by Energy. The over 6 Billion people and their way of life--their very lives--depend on a clean and dependable source for cooking, utility, and lighting.  Meanwhile, the ground is being eaten alive for its rich mineral content on more and more continents, deeper and deeper into the earth.  Who can fault a living society that must consume in order to thrive, throw away in order to keep the Economic Machine grinding?\r\n

Do you know where the marble is? Who\'s marble it is?


The program on which this hysteria is based has to do with an ancient shell game.  Do you know where the marble is? Who\'s marble it is?  This question runs deep into the origins of life on this planet and in this star system.  It is the center of the conflict on this earth.  It is at the core of the struggle to keep this planet free.   The ancient ones will not leave from this earth until they have used it up and what better way to use it up than to get your slaves to help!  Well, help is relative since the slaves do all the work!


This \'programming\' is set to run and there is only one worm can stop it.

The twist of this \'informational DNA\' is enough that it changes the spiral of progress into a positive feedback loop born of self preservation. Ahhh! self preservation, what a beautiful thing! The question is, will we reach the critical mass of enough self awareness to inspire self preservation.   Eventually,  the desire to end suffering and live peacefully becomes too great.

Technologies ooze out from under workbenches and begin to change people\'s lives.  Despite the best efforts of the monetary elite, the grip on energy production is shifting away from current methods, toward that of renewable and sustainable resources.  The trend toward photovoltaic and wind is an easing of the hold but it is nothing compared to the cleanest sources.  Magnetic Electromagnetic Generators provide a continual trickle of energy as long as the brushes are good on your alternator.  Battery power is key here for the change to happen.  This constant flow comes at no charge to the user and only needs a battery array to store the current.  It just so happens we live on the largest battery around these parts.  The earth is not only a giant magnet but also an amazing battery.  MEG generators can be made at home in garages with parts salvaged from junkyards and bought from radio shack. Don\'t believe me? Check the link and try it yourself.  Yes, all these wars are for NOTHING, except population control.


Misinformation is the norm

The war comes at us in images.  Through the commercials, newscasts and commentaries we see everyday on mainstream media.  The proliferation of information is the weapon.  Info can be used in precarious ways to influence people and generations.  This influence can distract from meaningful experience and create an atmosphere of less than positive thinking which contributes to the emotional pollution that surrounds us.

This war is for your mind.

Keep looking at this, at that, no here, wait -there.  While the Bank-sters cash in and the gold disappears, a truly precious metal to the ones in charge.  In charge, charged, powered, empowered.  Who is empowered by this? Our seven generations will suffer greatly with every passing day of carelessness.  The energy wars will come when the masses finally question the rights of elitists to make more laws, collect more revenue, and ruin more land until this \'test\' is done.  They will increase the rolling blackouts, infrastructure will fail, scalar weapons will quietly torch and soak at the will of the masters who\'s real mission is obscure.


This is a war on nature.


The right to control every aspect of life. We have seen it in the suppression of nature based philosophies and cultures and the continued slaughter of innocents everyday at the hands of the dark force which has control of the system right now. We have seen it in the patenting of genes for crops by the giant mega-corps that have introduced the genes into the wild creating unknown effects to the food chains.   The genetic pollution is now being documented by countless studies and is well evidenced in the movie \'Seeds of Death\' a ripping expose into the GMO Lience(sic) that has been plaguing balanced health for fifty years.

It is a war on life by those at the top reaching for eternal life for themselves while engineering destruction in their wake to the red planet.  This over-reliance on man made systems helps to create the massive upheavals that we see plague the populations, putting us all at risk.  The population crisis propaganda like Limits to Growth put out by the Club of Rome are so completely short sighted, they cut their nose to spite their face.  It would be a greater use of market potential to integrate all of the third world populations into the fold rather than creating systems of poverty. You would think the rich, of all people, could figure that out. The reality that these systems of debt pay interests to the debt masters has been lost in the false history, but that is changing with each anniversary milestone.


Rarely, if ever, do you see a politician speak in a universal term when it comes to their religion or spirituality and personal belief system.  To hear this explanation from Bernie Sanders D-Vt, when it comes to his belief system, is truly a relief, because it means that not only am I not alone in this belief, but more importantly, that someone could say it on the national platform and possibly make a transformed world from this level.

It is now time to have a national conversation in the US and abroad about the meaning of security, and what a humanitarian effort really means when it comes to bringing democracy and equality to the world.  The slide into fascism has been another generation coming, it was foretold of in old days that when it was forgotten, we would see it's ugly head rise again.  NOW is the time to spread this message of universal empathy, to heal the past and bring hope to the future.

We are truly all in this together.

Artists are meta-physicians, doing surgery on the psyche of those who behold their art

Maimonides Early Physician and Healer
Maimonides was in the tradition of holistic thinking, according to me

Although, This Oath and Prayer of Maimonides has been long associated with medicine due to the enigmatic figures' prominent role in of the early foundations of the blood-sport, it has great moral and cultural ramifications for all cultural creatives and artists of the new way.  Due to the way that art- the imaginary, the unreal, inspires the real, the mind breakthroughs associated with art can be emotionally evocative, even helping to heal the recipient.  Because much has been compartmentalized in our modern way, we have forgotten the rich and vast ways that art can alter the current paradigm.  When we consider our creative pursuits from the perspective that Maimonides has here, the world begins to heal much more rapidly as we re-create it.


The Oath of Maimonides

The eternal providence has appointed me to watch over the life and health of Thy creatures. May the love for my art actuate me at all time; may neither avarice nor miserliness, nor thirst for glory or for a great reputation engage my mind; for the enemies of truth and philanthropy could easily deceive me and make me forgetful of my lofty aim of doing good to Thy children.

May I never see in the patient anything but a fellow creature in pain.

Grant me the strength, time and opportunity always to correct what I have acquired, always to extend its domain; for knowledge is immense and the spirit of man can extend indefinitely to enrich itself daily with new requirements.

Today he can discover his errors of yesterday and tomorrow he can obtain a new light on what he thinks himself sure of today. Oh, God, Thou has appointed me to watch over the life and death of Thy creatures; here am I ready for my vocation and now I turn unto my calling.


The Prayer of Maimonides

Almighty God, Thou has created the human body with infinite wisdom. Ten thousand times ten thousand organs hast Thou combined in it that act unceasingly and harmoniously to preserve the whole in all its beauty the body which is the envelope of the immortal soul. They are ever acting in perfect order, agreement and accord. Yet, when the frailty of matter or the unbridling of passions deranges this order or interrupts this accord, then forces clash and the body crumbles into the primal dust from which it came. Thou sendest to man diseases as beneficent messengers to foretell approaching danger and to urge him to avert it.

Thou has blest Thine earth, Thy rivers and Thy mountains with healing substances; they enable Thy creatures to alleviate their sufferings and to heal their illnesses. Thou hast endowed man with the wisdom to relieve the suffering of his brother, to recognize his disorders, to extract the healing substances, to discover their powers and to prepare and to apply them to suit every ill. In Thine Eternal Providence Thou hast chosen me to watch over the life and health of Thy creatures. I am now about to apply myself to the duties of my profession. Support me, Almighty God, in these great labors that they may benefit mankind, for without Thy help not even the least thing will succeed.

Inspire me with love for my art and for Thy creatures. Do not allow thirst for profit, ambition for renown and admiration, to interfere with my profession, for these are the enemies of truth and of love for mankind and they can lead astray in the great task of attending to the welfare of Thy creatures. Preserve the strength of my body and of my soul that they ever be ready to cheerfully help and support rich and poor, good and bad, enemy as well as friend. In the sufferer let me see only the human being. Illumine my mind that it recognize what presents itself and that it may comprehend what is absent or hidden. Let it not fail to see what is visible, but do not permit it to arrogate to itself the power to see what cannot be seen, for delicate and indefinite are the bounds of the great art of caring for the lives and health of Thy creatures. Let me never be absent- minded. May no strange thoughts divert my attention at the bedside of the sick, or disturb my mind in its silent labors, for great and sacred are the thoughtful deliberations required to preserve the lives and health of Thy creatures.

Grant that my patients have confidence in me and my art and follow my directions and my counsel. Remove from their midst all charlatans and the whole host of of ficious relatives and know-all nurses, cruel people who arrogantly frustrate the wisest purposes of our art and often lead Thy creatures to their death.

Should those who are wiser than I wish to improve and instruct me, let my soul gratefully follow their guidance; for vast is the extent of our art. Should conceited fools, however, censure me, then let love for my profession steel me against them, so that I remain steadfast without regard for age, for reputation, or for honor, because surrender would bring to Thy creatures sickness and death.

Imbue my soul with gentleness and calmness when older colleagues, proud of their age, wish to displace me or to scorn me or disdainfully to teach me. May even this be of advantage to me, for they know many things of which I am ignorant, but let not their arrogance give me pain. For they are old and old age is not master of the passions. I also hope to attain old age upon this earth, before Thee, Almighty God!

Let me be contented in everything except in the great science of my profession. Never allow the thought to arise in me that I have attained to sufficient knowledge, but vouchsafe to me the strength, the leisure and the ambition ever to extend my knowledge. For art is great, but the mind of man is ever expanding.

Almighty God! Thou hast chosen me in Thy mercy to watch over the life and death of Thy creatures. I now apply myself to my profession. Support me in this great task so that it may benefit mankind, for without Thy help not even the least thing will succeed.

~ Translated by Harry Friedenwald, Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital 28: 260-261, (1917)


Super special thanks to John Hopkins Archives for having this posted on their site.(1)
"The "Daily Prayer Of A Physician" is attributed to Maimonides, but was probably written by Marcus Herz, a German physician, pupil of Immanual Kant, and physician to Moses Mendelssohn. It first appeared in print in about 1793." according to the JH.more about BioEthics here:http://dal.ca.libguides.com/c.php?g=256990  the Dalhouse University website.