The just of it is that NOW is the time to get on the horse and ride!

Cliff gives a good overview of what's going on and how we are in a war that we need to keep from going kinetic.   It will start as an info war and it is up to the people to prevent the next hot war from happening.   Don't let yourself or others become misinformation conduits, which is a very difficult task.   It is really a dicey situation that many people don't really understand.  The people at the top fighting are initiated into this thing, the rest of us have sussed it out by paying attention to what is really going on.  

It is now up to all of us paying attention to inform our friends and families about the state of things and how the great deception is designed to disempower you and through the disempowerment to enrage you to want to war.  This is a very important point, we must not fall into the Darth Vader Paradox where we become the thing we hate.  Peace in the world begins at home, stay in control of your emotions and awareness as the distractions multiply and hence divide us.

The globalist platform is failing rapidly, the players are exposed, the game is shown for what it is, rotten and rigged.  This will not continue, and your ENGAGEMENT and HOPE FOR THE FUTURE are some of the most important things you could do to seed the future.

 "All we have to do is break this timeline and get away from the mainstream media and we got this, we win"!  That is what we are witnessing at this time, get your mind prepared, the rest is easy.

"When the last pope is strangled with the entrails of the last king, the world shall be free"

The central bank ponzi scheme is coming to a close.  The Founding Fathers of the US knew this principle well, and several warned through various means, what it meant to have a central bank and it's interest schemes.  Hamilton was the last to throw off the usurpers, securing his fate and historic reputation. 

This movie is soon to be removed from youtube.  I have not found a reliable version on the other Video streaming sites. It is known as 

and will discuss the banking system and contrived crisis created by fiat currency central banking.  The solutions are precious metals, and the separation of Bank and State, and corporations and State for that matter in all forms public and private. 

The bank panic of 1907 spurned by J.P. Morgan led to the creation of the Federal Reserve Act and two days before Christmas with most out of Washinton for the holiday, the law was passed.   The collapses and consolidations have come on cue, and since then, on every mark.  Conveniently, the next one will be right around the corner.  Learn more in the video, educate yourself to not be fooled by the created demise we see around us.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace - Sri Chinmoy Ghose

"The old appeals to racial sexual and religious chauvinism, to rabid nationalistic fervor , are starting not to work.  A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism, and recognizes that an organism a war with itself is doomed." - Carl Sagan

This is really all just a choice between fear and love.

What is it that really connects us all on so many levels? Why is it that some people have more than others, generationally? Throughout history there has been a tight grip on the exchange of value, and how it is created and operates has changed in the last century to be one that is fundamentally unproductive and unfair.  Judge Andrew Napoliltano goes over some of the history of money in this short piece from LibertyPen.

The Federal Reserve is increasingly taking heat for it's role around the world as the controller of the planetary Reserve Currency and how it is used and abused around the globe.  The introduction of Quantitative Easing (QE) and the fact that interest rates have remained at 0% for over eight years are just two of the many points that need to be addressed by the planetary money makers.  Watch as Rep. Alan Greyson discusses the level of investigation that the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve has over the Federal Reserve itself.


"We do not have the ability to go out and audit the fed."

9 trillion dollars in credit has been issued to an unknown individual or individuals since the beginning of what was called the Great Recession but is actually a death spiral .  This works out to $30,000 for every man woman and child in the entire country of the United States.  The Fed inspector cannot name a single action that they have taken to investigate the off balance sheet transactions carried out by the Federal Reserve which now total over 9 trillion dollars.  No one at the Federal Reserve is keeping track of the losses incurred in what is an over 2 trillion dollar portfolio.

Inspector General Coleman hasn't really got a grasp on her position if you watch the video, or better yet watch it so you will have an understanding of how flimsy this position really is.  The Fed is an obviously fraudulent operation and has even been branded a ponzi scheme by many people worldwide.

Video Courtesy of Clayton Traylor and be sure to look them up.

To understand more of how and why this would happen listen to Ben Bernanke explain the international monetary transfers that happen to keep interest rates down across the globe.  According to Section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act this type of activity is completely legal.

Rep. Grayson goes on to completely eviscerate Ben Bernanke and his position on the FOMC and causes him to recall the Federal Reserve Act as a defense for handing out 500 Billion dollars to foreign countries.  An unknown part of the Financial crisis was to prop up the international money markets in order to keep the currency working properly.   This should never have been allowed to happen and will come back to haunt the Federal Reserve Bank in many ways.  The continual filling of this black hole of money can only happen with a productive economy that is issued from sound credit, not financial speculation.  Going back to a sound money system is the key to maintaining a prosperous nation, as it was in the days of Hamilton, so shall it be again.

The leading economist and future forward thinker Lyndon Larouche has Developed Four Laws to Save the US from what is otherwise a certain destruction, they implementation of these is almost the only thing to save the current status quo of our current standard of living for another generation.


In certain circles there is the reality stricken notion that there is no real recovery among the majority of Americans in the US at this time.  Because the system is perfectly bankrupt and printing money due to a derivative black hole that is pulsar beaming fun tickets out of its deepest vaults at a rate only a BRIC can stop.  The bail-in has begun and the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) have a real chance of making a gain in a global world relative to a fiat US dollar world reserve currency.   They have even started their own Bank for International Settlements which several prominent European countries have pledged to cooperate with to the chagrin of the US.

With the Euro on the ropes and the big banks richer than ever, but more heavily indebted to the derivative bubble than ever, corporate politicians have created a plan to take regular bank depositors money in the event of a total collapse of the system, what's known as a bail-in.

The US has seen the oil shale boom fizzle but is still experiencing low prices and relatively high jobs so it’s easy money right? The stock market is up, jobs higher, gas down, we are winning! But not so fast, we have to remember that this is easy money, we are PRINTING it through the QE process and are ready for a tailored landing for sure if we don’t confront the issue of banks investing shareholder assets in derivatives.  This is an important bill because derivatives are not backed by real value, but only by perceived value until the contract expired, so they essentially are a bet, upon a bet, not a real asset. A derivative of an asset, with nothing to back it up except depositors funds and we are all out of money. 

Enter: Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Oh.) who last year introduced legislation—HR 381—to reinstate the Glass Steagall Act which was repealed by President Clinton.  The bill had an initial 16 co-sponsors and made it up to 43 as of last check but stalled in committee. A similar bill was introduced into the US Senate last session, by Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Maria Cantwell (D-Wa.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), and Angus King (I-Vt.) and must be again filed immediately.

Although I am not a big fan of John ‘Arm the Rebels’ McCain, somehow he hit it right on this crap shoot.

There is something like a $2 Quadrillion derivative bubble right now, which if it were to implode, maybe on you know falling commodity prices like hmmm say, OIL(!), there could be real savings soaked dry.  An asset crash makes a derivative bubble burst.

President Ronald Reagan's cabinet member and leading political analyst of our day, Lyndon LaRouche observed that we are ‘entering into a period in which the revolt against Wall Street can erupt into a force for revolutionary policy change.’  LaRouche emphasized, now with Bernie Sanders running for president the issues are more important that ever for the majority of Americans' and by extension the world's citizens.

"We are on the edge of that kind of sudden, revolutionary shift." according to LaRouche.

The Swiss National Bank decoupled from the euro, and immediately went up by 40 percent in value against the euro before slightly falling back. According to, this is signaling a turn toward real value and sound currency backed by assets.

‘The Swiss know that the euro is doomed in the coming days, with the anticipated European Central Bank announcement next Thursday of a typhoon-like 'quantitative easing' program and the change in Greek government following elections that could signal the end of the euro system altogether.’ said Mr. LaRouche.

What is the Cause?

One major cause is the collusion between big banks and government as emphasized by whistle-blowers a plenty in the past few years.  During the Clinton Era, the bank lobbyists won a major victory in the fight to scoop up more and more profits, and the thin line between depositors money and investment capital at your local bank was rolled back like the sun roof on a lexus. Another major cause is the derivative bubble that is being created as we speak.  People are placing bets on contracts and not on real value items.  Not corn, the contracts on corn which is already under contract. Or, not debt, collateralized debt, a pool of money owned en masse, that could crash when people cant pay their bills cause they cant stay hired in the oil field for example.

The Solutions?

According to and the Schiller Institute that Lyndon LaRouche helps coordinate, “There is no recourse but to reinstate Glass-Steagall as Step One of the Hamiltonian revival that is the only viable solution. “  

He actually has a 4-step plan to save the US and it involves a large part of this Glass-Steagall act and a few other leading trends of political science through the Schiller Institute including investment in the BRICS economy and even a re-tuning of instruments back into the Vivaldi Tuning on the international level, a man of science and knowledge Mr. Larouche surely is.

As they hold a meeting this week(Jan 2015) we can expect heavy fireworks from the firebrand economist and political theorist whose ideas on the #ParisShootings is unique if not entirely accurate.

In comments on other matters he summarized and ‘… contrasted this capitulation and fear to the brave stance taken by the French in reaction to last week\'s terrorist attacks in Paris. Holland and France were targeted because they are breaking from the British-led war drive against Russia, and are being joined by other more sane Europeans who are pushing for a revival of cooperation with Russia that is the only war-avoidance option and the only way to solve some of the most pressing problems in the world today—including the menace of terrorism and asymmetric warfare coming from the Anglo-Saudi monarchies.’

It is in this context that the Saturday afternoon event for the Schiller Institute’s Manhattan Conferences is of historic importance.

In the Congress, chances have probably dried up for now that his bill will see the light of day.  But with 43 co-sponsors it is on it\'s way to being debated in the next session as things worsen for normal people and get extravagant for a richer few, the people will be speaking up and demanding this legislation, especially if it goes so far as to become asset forfeiture from bank liabilities for regular working class people.   

Read the house bill here.

Read More: https:

The reality of power of natural forces is evident all around us in myriad ways.  Although for centuries the Economic power structure has created and benefited from a capitalist system that suppresses the renewable aspects of power generation, the time has come for the masses to have their own sources of energy and power generation.   The Free energy devices we see in the world are to one day come to the masses in new and exciting ways.  Promoted by the Free Energy Party, among others, the new awareness that energy is everywhere will change our way of life.

Although much has been suppressed, the technology is oozing from the background, making headwaves in the sea of space, using the forces of nature.  Magnetism is a powerful force and the fields of the earth can power our homes and vehicles and personal devices if Big Oil and Industry get out of the way.  Do not be fooled by the 'current situation' the time has come to OVERCOME. 

Peace will prevail, and hope is the spark to light the fire of prometheus, raising our vibrations and our hearts to the heavens. is Future Focused News that you won't find anywhere else! With the New Awareness that we are a world body, resonating in a quantum field of global sub conscious awareness, global power structures are beginning to crumble into a decentralized form of truly democratic design.  

While the mainstream media would like to keep us in the material presence for consumeristic gain there are many turning to new avenues, a feeling awareness that something is dis-ingenuine, and an inner knowing that there is a way out of the madness.  Having an Eyes Wide Open view toward what is happening in the news is key to maintaining a sense of the relative, and to stay grounded.  We are bridging the spiritual divide to give you an insight like you have never imagined into the underlying unified field and how the secret government does not want you to know what power you can tap into with your will!

Collectively we face a daunting future that is most certainly designed to keep the masses trembling in fear of their projected 'enemies', keep mindlessly consuming the media, mayham and money with nary a look up from the trough, but the rumble has become a stammer.  The people of the world are demanding real change and justice as never before.  The drive to peace, and to end suffering of all people's, environments, and living systems will only become stronger as we move into a new time of inner listening and striving for truth, beauty, and justice for every person on the planet.

Join me, Electra Weaver, as I report from the overground, on the transitions and changes that are shaping the future of life on this planet and in the cosmos, as we transition into a new age of spiritual harmony.