It Didn't Start With You, but You CAN end the Generational Trauma

There are unexplained symptoms and excessive thoughts that we inherit from our generational predecessors, feelings and ideas that we often think are ours, or started with us.  Turns out this is not the case.

After the century of war that was the 20th Century, we have come to recognize that we have all been traumatized and abused in certain ways that have altered our connection to the natural world and animal kingdoms that co-exist with us.   

Science has caught up to the molecular combination of our connected human experience.  The latest epigenetic research tells us that when a trauma happens a chemical change will happen in our DNA that can change the way genes operate for decades and generationally.   We can inherit a stress response to trauma that happened to our parents and our grandparents.

Mark Wolynn has developed a way to help undo the effects of generational trauma to live a more complete and whole experience. Mark Wolynn is the director of The Family Constellation Institute in San Francisco, is a leading expert in the field of inherited family trauma. This video describes the current understanding of our DNA and epigenetic effects on our experience.   Understanding this connection can help us to overcome patterns that we have inherited and to change the way we inhabit the world.

In addition to his insightful lectures on the Science and NonDuality Conference Youtube channel, you will want to read Mark Wolynn's book IT DIDN’T START WITH YOU: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle published by Viking/Penguin in April 2016.

What Mark seems to be saying is that when you have overcome worry, fear, and doubt, you will begin to see the root of the thoughts and feelings that exist within your code, your genetics, your specific frequency of time and space.  the genetic code you live is a mixture of 2 people that you share half of one parental pattern, and half of the others pattern.  I think of the DNA sequence as a stitchwork , or crochet patterned blanke.  Sharing the same pattern with another creates a strong resonance and vibrational imprint, specially into a young psyche.  The terror and anxiety of being broken from love and traumatized by those we are closest to, build into our experience of life and our experience of love.  Those feelings can be resolved and overcome by cultivating awareness and strengthing the bonds and connections that we do have.  

People today are sometimes overcome with grief and depression, sometimes from poor choices and lifestyle decisions, or from undernourishment and lack of healthy living condtions.  This type of scenario can play out over many lives through the generations, if not observed, halted, and overcome by the individual in the experience.  Slowing the mind, the racing thoughts, the constant distractions, can bring the awreness to a place of observance, acceptance and subsequant resolution of the feelings and thought patterns that are affecting their lives.