A Time Machine has been invented, improved and used to alter the experience of billions of sentient beings here on planet earth and its' surrounding matrix.


Although it is different from my device, The Univorgan, the chronovisor was an early form of a visual time periscope.  The ability to mirror back the light waves through specific frequencies was improved and updated as inventors and businessmen got hold of the plans. The world is under the thumb of this nefarious breakaway civilization now more than 75 years after the discovery of this technology and others.  

The powers that were are doing everything they can to overcome the awakening that is happening across the globe.  Using a microwave collection device to reproduce the universal field to view likely scenarios and events as they emerge in the timeline.  Alas, observation breaks down the wave form, influenced by the observer, and their biases and leanings.  This continues to turn the masses into those forces that will undermine the observers, while they do everything they can to change the outcome.