Swedish designer Oscar Pernefeldt, as a graduation project from the Beckmans College of Design, using the scientific study of flags known as vexillology, has developed an International Flag to signify Unity among astronauts from the Planet Earth.

The proposed flag of Planet Earth

The demonstration of the study of flags, vexillography, is an outcome of heraldry, the study of symbols, colors, placements, typography, and general esthetics of the various designs in Family crests, Corporate symbols, and national flags.


Here’s Mr. Pernefeldt's premise quoting from the website.  http://www.flagofplanetearth.com;




Current expeditions in outer space use different national flags depending on which country is funding the voyage. The space travelers, however, are more than just representatives of their own countries. 

They are representatives of planet Earth.

Possible Future use of the Gaia Flag


1. To be used while representing planet Earth.

2. To remind the people of Earth that we share this planet, no matter of national boundaries. That we should take care of each other and the planet we live on.


Centered in the flag, seven rings form a flower – a symbol of the life on Earth. The rings are linked to each other, which represents how everything on our planet, directly or indirectly, are linked. The blue field represents water which is essential for life – also as the oceans cover most of our planet\'s surface. The flower\'s outer rings form a circle which could be seen as a symbol of Earth as a planet and the blue surface could represent the universe.


Centered on an azure field, seven circles of silver interlaced, creating a flower.  

--------(end quote)

The future is in space as a unified earth, if we can overcome ww3

What does it all mean?

Interesting that this symbolic flag resembles a flower, some would say the 'flower of life'.  The 'flower of life' is an ancient symbol that has been seen in cave paintings and rock art, Leonardo Da Vinci\'s inspired works, and Drunvalo Melchizidek's life changing book, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.  

the flower of lifefrom da vinci
leonardo da vinci\'s manuscript, (Credit Wikimedia)

It is a circle comprised of six interlocking circles, and is what\'s known as a \'sacred geometry\'.  What makes a geometry sacred? It is when that geometry reflects a natural pattern, shape, order or unfolding.  It reflects a pattern of biological growth that is underlying all of creation.  The sacred geometric shapes are the building blocks of all shapes in creation.

the platonic solids


the principle elements of shape and building

the platonic and archimedean solids


That the international flag is one more ring than a normal flower of life is a nice gesture, a symbolic ring over the natural, organic symbol.   The overlaying ring, and it's meaning , is something people will have to consider as we branch out into space at possible warp speed.  It may come to symbolize our intentions in the solar system and galaxy, and as we encounter other planets and forms of life, our intentions will be paramount to our results in the endeavor.  Will we be a force for good in the solar system and beyond? Or, conversely, will there be more domination and destruction as we settle the alien landscapes.

The question that arises is, who does this flag symbol communicate to? We all know the flags from our own world, there are not that many countries in space as it is, why do we need this \'unified\' flag? Maybe someday we will have to let another species know that we are from the Earth, and at least now we got a leg up on that need, when it happens!

Perhaps this is a symbolic flag that is already in use on the secret Mars base or the way station on the moon?  One can definitely see the need for this when considering that the space war has been happening for almost 40 years and that our star brothers need to identify our Space Cadets if and when they encounter them, so that they can assist the weaker starling, and our species greater mission to god seed into the universe, organically, free from cyborg dominance and overlord control. Without the cataclysm that led us to the 'Current Situation' we find ourselves in.

Stay tuned as we uncover the true extent of man in the Cosmos, and how we will unveil the fifth awakening in our time.

Scientists created a simulation of the universe expansion since the creation of what we know as 'The Big Bang'.  This is not a commercial for a sit com, no it's a simulation of the formation of everything we see and touch, taste, and smell around us. Even our own bodies are made from the dust of the process we see simulated here.  The very fact that we can know this is the process of the universe unfolding to witness itself.  Watch the blossom here:


The Illustrius collaboration is responsible for the more than one hundred thousand lines of program code and it took the fastest supercomputers on the planet to complete this stunning visual.

To really understand how we are literally the universe looking back onto itself, we must contemplate how we are literally made of star dust...

NASA recently unveiled a video of the boosters and transport ship that they plan to have ready for the planned Mars voyage in 2025. Although still a decade away, the science and telemetry are being solved right now as they build the components ad computers that will safely move our space cadets to the red planet.

The Space Launch System (SLS) is a heavy expendable launch vehicle that will be upgraded over time to build stronger versions and is part of the agencies vehicle plans since the de-commisioned space shuttle program.

SLS Rocket to Mars

Image credit - wikipedia


As NASA stated at the press conference unveiling the new design, this would take the agency\'s astronauts farther into space than ever before and provide the cornerstone for future US human space exploration efforts. Godspeed Cadets!


NASA Link to More info


Space Launch System Wikipedia

The Dogon tribe of africa has a tale of alien invasion they have been telling for ages.  This ancient culture is closely related to the Egyptian civilization in their language and customs.  Through the years, a great tale has woven it's way through the tounges, to be told again and again using modern technology.

 In the distant past, visitors came to take over Earth as told by an elder of the Dogon, Credo Mutwa, in this lengthy interview with David Icke that hints at the spiritual situation here on Earth and in the Solar System.

Credo explains how the pre-diluvian world culture of humanity was destroyed by these invaders and how they took from the original humans, special gifts of the mind, and proceeded to divide us with language, as told in the biblical texts within the Tower of Babel.

 Credo Mutwa is an African Zulu Sangoma (traditional healer) from South Africa, who has been ordained with ancient exoteric knowledge passed down to him from his ancestors, including elder mothers and grandfathers, that helps to illuminate our collective ancient history. Credo is an African Shaman, known as Sunusi.  According to some sources, there are only two Sunusi left in the world and Credo is one of them, so we should be forever grateful to hear this message live on in it's original form firsthand.  According to this tale history has been rewritten, and the original history is fading with life.  Thankfully, the official storyteller is recorded for us.

"Since the end is never told, we pay the teller off in gold, in hopes that he'll come back, but he can not be bought or sold" - Robert Hunter, Terrapin Station

More interesting than this though, is the Zulu elder has had personal experience that supports this knowledge he was told; and that knowledge includes what we popularly refer to today as reptilians (what he calls Chitauli) ruling over Earth. In fact, much of controversial author David Icke’s central thesis of 'reptilians' is derived from Mutwa’s knowledge. In an interview, Mutwa explained that “the Zulus claim that many, many thousands of years ago there arrived, out of the skies, a race of people who were like lizards, people who could change shape at will. And people who married their daughters to a walking extraterrestrial, and produced a power race of Kings and tribal Chiefs, there are hundreds of fairy-tales, sir, in which a lizard female assumes the identity of a human princess and poses as her, and gets married to a Zulu Prince.”


Mutwa, as he referred to himself, gives us some original insight into the state of Africans before the invasions by Anglo-Europeans.  The beautiful descriptions tell us of a Matriarchal Society, learned in Astrology, Astronomy, Esoteric Arts, and more, that has been vilified and demonized by it's oppressors in the history books and by missionaries.  His tales are truly liberating to see and hear when trying to understand the roots of the aggression we continue to see on an abundant planet.

In his late age (now 94 years old) he has become increasingly vocal about this knowledge and personal experience.  Unlike most people though, the Zulu shaman claims these “aliens” are not really conventional aliens at all. He believes they are not from a far away planet, but they are actually from Earth or at least somewhere near by, possibly in the inner earths cavern's and hidden chambers.  “These so-called aliens don’t come from far away at all. I believe that they are here with us, and I believe that they need substances from us, just as some of us human beings use certain things from wild animals, such as monkey glands, for certain selfish purposes of our own… Far too many people fall into the temptation of looking upon these ‘aliens’ as supernatural creatures. They are just solid creatures, sir."

Like bees to flowers, or birds to seed, each lives off another in common need

Many people think that these beings feed off of our negative thoughts, and feelings, a simple reason we see so much fear and loathing in the world today.

Elder Mutwa also believes that these Chituali have sinister intent and before they arrived human beings lived as one; "…the Chitauli came to Earth, they arrived in terrible vessels which flew through the air, vessels which were shaped like great bowls and which made a terrible noise and a terrible fire in the sky." These descriptions remind us of the Vimana, ancient flying craft told of in the Bhagavad-Gita and older Indian religious manuscripts. "And the Chitauli told human beings, whom they gathered together by force with whips of lightning, that they were great gods from the sky and that from now on they would receive a number of great gifts from the gods. These so-called gods, who were like human beings, but very tall, with a long tail, and with terrible burning eyes, some of them had two eyes-yellow, bright eyes-some had three eyes, the red, round eye being in the center of their forehead."

These creatures(i.e.:physical, meta-physical beings), then took away the great powers that human beings had: the power of speaking through the mind only, the power of moving objects with their mind only, the power of seeing into the future and into their past, and the power to travel, spiritually, to different worlds. "All of these great powers the Chitauli took away from human beings and they gave human beings a new power, now, the power of speech. But, human beings found, to their horror, that the power of speech divided human beings, instead of uniting them, because the Chitauli cunningly created different languages, and they caused a great quarrel between people. (Tower of Babel and the scattering of tongues) Also, the Chitauli did something which has never been done before: they gave human beings people to rule over them, and they said, “These are your kings, these are your chiefs. They have our blood in them. They are our children, and you must listen to these people because they will speak on our behalf. If you don’t, we are going punish you very terribly.”(divine right of rule, Dynastic Families, Presidential relation to royalty)

Before the coming of the Chitauli, before the coming of the Imbulu creatures, human beings were spiritually one. But when the Chitauli came, human beings became divided, both spiritually as well as by language. And then, human beings were given strange new feelings by the Chitauli. Human beings started to feel unsafe, and so they started making villages with very strong fences of wood around them. Human beings started becoming country makers. In other words, they started creating tribes and tribe lands, which had borders, which they defended against any possible enemy. Human beings became ambitious and greedy and they wanted to acquire wealth in the form of cattle, and sea shells.”

What the elder says is a tale of origin from his tribe, a tribe that still exists today in Mali. Their language closely mirrors the hieroglyphs that we see in Egypt, and have been used to help decipher some of the symbolic meaning. Recent studies have also pointed to a common ancestor, as well as religious text that speak of the "angels from the heavens that breed with the daughters of men".

Add to this the fact that he predicts a deadly virus(Ebola v2) and the perpetuation of endless war that ends in total destruction, which we see continue more and more everyday.

This tale does seem to hold within it a common thread that sounds incredible until we pursue further evidence.  The Zulu shaman claims what makes him a true believer in these ancient tales is he was personally abducted while in the mountains, something that would make a believer of us all I'm sure.

That we continue to see willful ignorance in the form of international conflict, cultural upheaval, and chaotic conditions, could be evidence of this type of 'possession' within people's minds today.  To see people's focus on materialism and cult like worship of the Pop-Figures, that so closely resembles our own untimely demises, makes one wonder how physics and metaphysics unite in humans.  

The tales of shape-shifting reptilians are scoffed at time and again, but told by the elders again and again.  What is also told by the elders is a penultimate force, one that rises above the vibration of said beings.  It has been referenced by many names since 'the division', and no matter the utterance, the safety and calm that is provided in that time of need is something we will surely call on in near times.

Understanding the multidimensional nature of our biology is the key to maintaining balance as we progress further into the new age.

NASA Images- SLS Rocket Test
A Test of the SLS rocket on launch pad, :credit NASA

The next big adventure in space is the trip to Mars.  Although there is a ton of speculation about the ability of humans to make it to and live on the red planet, the plan, for NASA is to send astronauts to our sister planet by 2026, if all goes well.  Other groups have developed plans as well, including the infamous MARS One, a company launched from the Netherlands, which aims to send space cadets sooner.

Therefore it is a challenge that the best and brightest minds have been chasing to engineer the technology to do it.  NASA recently released images of the rocket they believe will do the trick.  The SLS Solid Rocket Booster is taller than the Statue of Liberty and consists of 5 Stages, Check out the graphic below...

SLS Rocket Graphic
An infographic from NASA on the SLS

