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cymatics, the study of sound vibration in matter

 Photo Credit/Alexander Lauterwasser


The study of how sound influences matter is called Cymatics  and was coined by Dr. Hans Jenny.  This word stems from the greek Kymatica and relates to the form that matter takes on in response to wave influence.   Dr. Jenny conducted many influential experiments that showed the way particles would be directed and moved by the sound wave pressure.   One amazing experiment put sand on a plate that was placed on a speaker, when brought through the range of sound on an oscilliscope, the sand created increasingly complex designs and shapes. He used a tonoscope to illustrate the different sounds on the oscilloscope and produce different patterns in the sand on the plates, forming complex patterns and re-discovering an ancient knowledge.

Many Shapes result from many Tones - Cymatics
Many Shapes result from many Tones - Cymatics


  Many of the shapes that are displayed are very intricate as the pitch increases, which suggests higher and higher levels of order in the medium produced through the vibrations.  These shapes are evident in patterns found through out nature and suggest an influence into the ordering of cells and developing of the physical bodies of flora and fauna.

A turtle shell displays characteristics of cymatic influence
A turtle shell displays characteristics of cymatic influence

The power of sound waves to alter the physical world though resonance and frequency has been lost to us until recent years.  It is possible that the powers of sound and resonance were harnessed to create buildings and move stones in the ancient past but this has been widely debated.  It has been said that the monks of Tibet used sacred horns and drums to levitate the stones and rocks the temples with are built with.  Recently studies into acoustic levitation have proven that what was legendary is at least possible.  What is known is that the elders of the natural world from the ancient times have built their temples in order to hold certain sound shapes, and those shapes relate back to the ancient understanding of the nature of reality.


Rosslyn Chapel holds clues to the ancient mysteries of sound
Rosslyn Chapel holds clues to the ancient mysteries of sound


The famed Roslyn chapel in Edinburgh Scotland is well known in meta-physical lore for it's supposed housing of the bloodline of Christ, as presented in the Davinci Code novel by Dan Brown. While the ornate walls and ceiling tell a tall tale in the figures, shapes and heraldry of the decorations, there is also a lesser known resonance to the chapel itself.   Studies into the ambiance and acoustic reverberations have shown that Rosslyn holds a sound shape in tune with a mystic symbol.  The tale of discovery is complax and interesting information you may enjoy here.



Today many people are interested in using sound to better the quality of their lives.   For many years, researchers like Nicole LaVoie and her discovery of 'Sound Wave Energy' has provided Cd's and tapes that contain frequencies designed for healthier living and a better environment.   Use of the sounds has been noted to harmonize life for those around them and have made a difference in the lives of the people that use them as evidenced by the testimonials she has received and her own personal transformation story.  Is it  result of the cellular organization changing or something to do with an energetic bio-field?  These questions are being explored by all levels of investigation.
 More and more, we are seeing the growing use and recognition of Binaural beats and alternatively, Solfeggio Tones, and meditation music to bring peace, and a sense of calm to the adherents. Binaural beats are clained to have health benefits such as: reduce anxiety, increase focus and concentration, lower stress, increase relaxation, foster positive moods, promote creativity, and to help manage pain.
It has been noted that places with loud noises and noise pollution have a dilapidated and rundown appearance and condition. Along the highways of the US in the inner city, along the train tracks of industrial america, the vitality of places that are subject to loud, dissonant noises is certainly lacking.


Sounds do influence matter and people are matter.  What we have known collectively as 'Harmony' has changed in the previous centuries into something quite altered from natural harmony.  The waves of matter compressed and pulled around you, inform your internal self of safety, however subtle this may be to the unaware mind.  Cultivating the sense of 'subtle energy' helps to become more in tune with the natural world and to appreciate the wonder of the world for what it is, uninterrupted. Sound pollution has an effect on lives by keeping dissonance as the norm, keeping an agitated, uneasy foundation as the normal routine, and may alter the connection a person can have with their most perfect self.  
Over time and history, the use of music for communication and connection was deep and ritualistic, with many distinct meanings to the music that is often lost in today's media age and it's conflicting wavelengths.  The continued use of mantra, chanting, drumming, dancing, singing, and humming can change your mood, your outlook and your life, and was practice our ancestors and forefathers knew quite well.
Many people have been introduced to music through the church, or choir.  Singing has always been associated with an intense feeling or emotion and has been called a spiritual experience.  Let's not forget what at least one book says about creation, and that is 'In the beginning there was the word, and the word was God'  This is stating directly that God is a sound, or vibration, if you will, and that this is creation at it's core.
The power of sound to create and destroy.  This is the knowledge that was re released by Dr. Jenny in his study of cymatics, and today we are seeing the truth of this unfold across our awareness like an old tune, still fresh in our memories.
Hans Jenny - Discovered Cymatics
Hans Jenny - Re-Discovered Cymatics
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