Category: Earth
Hits: 474


The just of it is that NOW is the time to get on the horse and ride!

Cliff gives a good overview of what's going on and how we are in a war that we need to keep from going kinetic.   It will start as an info war and it is up to the people to prevent the next hot war from happening.   Don't let yourself or others become misinformation conduits, which is a very difficult task.   It is really a dicey situation that many people don't really understand.  The people at the top fighting are initiated into this thing, the rest of us have sussed it out by paying attention to what is really going on.  

It is now up to all of us paying attention to inform our friends and families about the state of things and how the great deception is designed to disempower you and through the disempowerment to enrage you to want to war.  This is a very important point, we must not fall into the Darth Vader Paradox where we become the thing we hate.  Peace in the world begins at home, stay in control of your emotions and awareness as the distractions multiply and hence divide us.

The globalist platform is failing rapidly, the players are exposed, the game is shown for what it is, rotten and rigged.  This will not continue, and your ENGAGEMENT and HOPE FOR THE FUTURE are some of the most important things you could do to seed the future.

 "All we have to do is break this timeline and get away from the mainstream media and we got this, we win"!  That is what we are witnessing at this time, get your mind prepared, the rest is easy.

"When the last pope is strangled with the entrails of the last king, the world shall be free"