Category: Mission
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We'll be fighting in the streets, With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone,
And the men who spurred us on, Sit in judgement of all wrong,

They decide,and the shotgun sings the song 

     -The Who , "We Don't get Fooled Again"

Fascism Definition - thanks Wikipedia
the Definition of Fascism isn't that far off from today's real politik where left (Dems) and right (Repubs) play each other for mutual gain from the masses


Fascism has, for a very long time, been the foe of creative man in the quest to live a peaceful, civilized life here on the planet Earth.  The threat of complete consolidated control is the gravest danger to the world that has ever been known.  Imagine not being able to convert a good idea into an actual reality, not being able to choose a line of work, or to be forver predetermined in your grouping or class structure.

There would be no art, no free thought, no individual voice to point to for independent progress and innovation, keeping the world at a virtual standstill of invention, save that of the ruler approved items. 

While many from the media and Banking Hierarchy would think that it has been 'progress' that has created the world conditions that have threatened to push civilization to the brink of a total annihilation, others are not so sure.  The second world war was fought over just such an idea, that of totalitarian control, top-down market structure, dictatorial leadership selected by the money interests.  In fact, it has occured to a certain Congressman Steve King R-Ia, that this way of crony capitalism has been the best thing for 'civilization' since (white) sliced bread. 

The world has become ever more dangerous in terms of weapons systems and delivery abilities since then, and I dare say we may not survive as a society if we experience another totalitarian global conflict.  The problem is those at the top use a scorched earth tactic to get their way in the form of leaving no surviving infrastuctures left for civilian life to go on.  The conflicts only benefit the ones at the top, and that is the type of fascism that we must root out.   

There are literally hundreds of millions of people like me that will wait out the current spate of idiotic movements and vote with our dollars and our livlihoods on order to beat this beast of a system that is currently in control.  The current Antifa and Bash the Fash movements are obvious George Soros ops and very ill informed and ill advised.  This is not a real #Resistance movement and thats why they havent really taken off.   Most people understand that this is a long con coming to an end and are not going to go out and support little brats that wear black and hate america. 

Although the money interests, destroying the planet as they buy up what can't be bought and sold, are seemingly about to 'seal the deal', with either a third world war or more likely, the continued expansion, consolidation and corruption of all the markets until it is one market, they will fail.  This long winded adventure will fail for the same reason this idea always fails.  When the commonwealth is threatened on such a global, monumental scale, the market, supported only by the regular person's everyday ability to consume and consume, goes belly up and hence, always fails.  

The vaccuum like sucking of the MIC and Banksters creates its own demise, because economically, centralization of market forces is inherently unstable.  


Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholarship have created some big - time career criminals
Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholarship have created some big - time career criminals Image Source Wikipedia

The process of innovation that drove said economy to great heights becomes stagnant and no longer fuels the self sustaining growth that is necessary for a continued thriving economy.  The leviathan collapses under it's own weight and suffers a putrid squalor of demise unless revived by productivity.

IT starts when the 'defenders' start to siphon off the funds to build bombs and not build what's good for a thriving economy.  Soon, after making bombs for long enough, you can ship them around the world to people that would want to defend themselves from you and your bombs. Now you sell more bombs to whoever needs them and make better ones for yourself, repeating the cycle - ad nauseum.  Anybody stands in your way? Take care of it.

Bombs siphon off the nation's potential
crushing potential, the gruch of giants is real


Consolidation is the 'Key' to the Engine of Fascism

The key to continuing the Fascist Control of the world, - Remember! it's the consolidation of State and Corporate Power, is to control the information that populations consume.  Often times, the free press is absolutely submissive to the bottom line - advertisers.  This is an easy way to create tension in the newsrooms of any publication.

6 Corporations own all the media we normally consume
6 Corps to rule them all! - They own all our channels

This is not the way the system is supposed to work and is by no means a level playing field.  The most obvious tool of subversion sits right here in consolidated news and entertainment  divisions of your local corporate overlord company.  The idea of independence is slowly being eroded away each successive year until a generation will wake up with out any, and all members of the society will be NPC - Non playing characters in a matrix video game of life.

 "Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed - and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment - the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution - not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants" - but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion..."John F. Kennedy

These words are as true today as they were when Kennedy spoke them so many years ago.  The omnipotent news outlets and entertainment avenues are creating a giant hive mind, infiltrating even the best thinkers into conformity, the control of all independent beings, using the weakness of their own compassion and emotion and identity, what we today call identity politics is an ancient form of divide and conquer.

Add to the situation the ever tightening debasement of the fiat currency through inflation, and you have the perfect recipe for rising tension and corrosive competition - not productive competition - there is a difference!

Back in the day when this Madison Avenue-Military-Medical-Industrial-Complex was first firing it's ignition switch, we had an old two banger jalopy, not much punch but it got us where we needed to go.  The globalists would own the newspaper, they would own the company store, they owned everything.  It was common for a workaday man to be paid in company script, to take to the General Store to be exchanged for products and materials.  This was inherently monopolistic and was fought quite brazenly by many brave men and women through the early 20th century in the US and abroad, especially in Spain, although it may still be common practice in the developing world where mining still holds sway over many day to day workers.

Decentralization has already begun.

 A common sign of the times during situations like this is a populist cry for de-centralization where the masses stammer for autonomy in a collapsing world of fear and doubt.  Brexit is the best, most immediate example of how these types of things begin, and sometimes how they can end.  Not everyone is aware of the coming bank collapse unless the EU changes it's own laws against to Big to Fail Bank Bail - out policies.  

The de-centalization will come from the inside, or from the outside, but either way, it must happen.   Some futurists and historians are calling for the world's largest bank, DuestchBank to be loaned an emergency stash of cash, against EU policy and the general publics' sense of morality.  Due to the dire nature of the situation, many others have called for the bank to crash, unknowingly witting their own demise in the house of cards that is sure to follow up such a large failure.

Many regular people will contribute to the collapse of the old system by purchasing crypto denominated assets that will allow them to run away from high inflation and begin to have a more stable savings rate which will allow retirement planning automatically giving quality of life to those that choose the route less traveled.   This is an inevitable process, stopped only by a solar flare, or global conflagration and electrical outage.

A different perspective is perhaps necessary. Crypto isn't an alternative to the dollar. It is a hedge AGAINST the inevitable collapse of the dollar...


The global change that we are seeking can happen through inter-dependence and mutual benefit co-operation that characterizes Humankind's unique place in the world.  Our similarities out weigh our differences and there are many ways that we can become global partners and participants rather than creating more finite resource wars.

The Time is now to ACTIVATE!

What does ACTIVATE mean?

Activate, in this case, means 'to summon all your resources to create the type of change that you want to see within the world and make a SUSTAINED EFFORT TO SEE IT THROUGH.'

Some would say Mobilize, others - Agitate.  Whatever you call it, the feeling of sitting there doing nothing has got to end.  There is no hope for the hopeless so get over and face the challenge head on.  Deep down there is probably nothing you like more than a challenge anyway, or it wouldn't be like this and you wouldn't be trying to figure this all out, and you wouldn't CARE SO MUCH.

Often we can become complacent or saddened by the latest tragedy and terror, or economic difficulty and the stresses of day to day living in a mechanistic society of emotional creatures.  That is what the controllers would want, that is the reaction they crave to continue the slide into the abyss they are so willingly pushing us toward.  That is why the MSM is so 'uniformly uninformed' of the major thread running through the narrative.   The Corporate bottom line must be achieved at all costs, and they usually are because the losses can be externalized to 'some other sucker.'

At least, that's how it was, anymore in our global village of inter-dependent communities, we need to treat our common assets with respect for our collective future generations.  If you are truly inspired by this movement for global unity in the face of ecological and economic collapse, then you must begin to alter the world with the only way humans have ever done it, ACTION.

The important part of the deal is to remember that you are a creative being in a dynamic world that thrives on changes and that world can be influenced long term by your actions taken today, and with more awareness, compassion and understanding compounded by your actions, this engineered demise will cease to consume our lives.

One way to start is to branch out and find groups of like minded people in your immediate area and propose community building events like Art-Ins, Crosswalk paintings, Cook-outs, Neighborhood Garden Walks, anything that engages the beauty and wonder of nature and the senses is a great start to change your immediate environment.

Educate yourself on the issues and PICK ONE to share with your friends and family whether by social media or by pamphlet or otherwise.  There are so many issues and things that need urgent attention, to immediately right the ship of state, which either furthers or flounders our fulfillment of purpose as individuals, here on Planet Earth.  Choosing one to gently nudge forward is a chance to know that you are trying and to not take on too much of the burden of progress for your fellow humans.

Breaking the mechanistic trance that has a grip over our modern minds is going to take more than just a Facebook post or a pamphlet though, it will take a great deal of care and compassion for us to change the current paradigm of terror-creation cum defense that our foreign policy morons have been advocating to the demise of almost everyone they've gone to help.  

Break the chains of love, allow the division to dissolve and get active for positive change. In other words, Get engaged, or more simply:


Woody Guthrie had Something for them ol dirty's

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss