Category: Mind
Hits: 1868

Global Society is coming, driven by information that was never meant to be OURS.  Terence hinted Bigly when he said that.  The information war is real, in 2018, it has become too late to stop it.  As we have seen the technocrats take over, using long planned entrapment methods in small electronic devices, they are plying the work of the banksters and playing toward both sides of the Power Brokers and Fascist Governments.

Mr. McKenna's call for revolution are not really the best answer to social breakdown.  The better options are to strengthen your neighborhood and community to become closer connected in times of crisis.  Regularly growing veggies and sharing them with elderly neighbors is a favorite thing for me to do.  Helping jump a car or push an RV are just in a day of being in the 'hood.   That's what neighbors do, and there's really a revolution in turning back toward our own interests and goals and VALUES.  Things that have been shown to not be harmful like growing Cannabis and other Medicinal plants that are absolutely harmless and that bother absolutely nobody but the local government who then tries to come and take your house and call you a nuisance when on the streets of Denver, Co there are thousands of homeless people and hundreds of crack heads, hookers, and hustlers of every kind on every corner of the main drag, Colfax Ave.

These people just try to flaunt their power using backward thinking and horrible professional ethics standards to create ways of screwing people out of their homes.  The local crack motels have plenty of people to round up, and plenty of people going missing and if you haven't understood the message yet, the war is using terror not really about getting terrorists.  Its about losing your Constitutional Rights through administrative husslers.  They are a parasitic class of humans, and that is where the revolution is, in defeating the arcane laws of government, who has nothing better to do than to persecute their own citizens. Its pathetic.

The revolution is in thinking and processing how society operates.  Those who constantly call for revolution have a violence agenda and there is no revolution there because we have been there for millennia. 

To realize the same people that have ruined the planet through promoting genetic and chemical poisoning, and reckless consumption, now want to reduce the population and commit to endless wars in the name of saving the planet.  The revolution is in understanding that the same people that allowed and then covered up the W T C scenario, and then took over foriegn countries to avenge for it, have now turned their sites inward, toward the ungrateful living, whom they now plan to bleed dry.

The upturn to the stars and ever more efficient living conditions and common wealth use in wise manners with an increase in energy flux density and local production methods for food and staples will make all the difference as to how the future will fail or flourish.  There is revolution in bringing about social change when everything that is happening on the Mainstream media is crumbling around you,  MAKE Revolution, Make Social Change. 

You create social change by doing what you love.  Sharing that joy with others.  Finding ways to expand the abundance of living by gardening or thrifting and community gathering or doing a practical hobby.  All of these will keep you alert and vibrant and unprogrammed and could lead to personal and professional breakthroughs for you.

Another area to keep an eye on is the blockchain, which may just be the revolution we need to overcome the hallows of the social dysfuction.   Also the 3D printing and AI revolutions are just beginning.  We have not even seen the rise of the robots yet.  These things are going to change the whole world for people and how they operate.  In cities and suburbs at least, maybe not way out in the sticks.  Either way the only way to revolve is to evolve, so continue asking questions and the path will clear before you.