Category: Energy Wars
Hits: 3648

Let's not be fooled by the mainstream media and how they portray the latest in the fight for oil pipelines that may escalate to World War 3.  It is obvious to many by now that the treachery is being done by the US and not by the historical foes we are made to believe perpetrate these crimes.  This is an old game going back centuries that you are alive to witness and alter with your voice and actions.

Energy Wars - There is no need to fight
Energy Wars - There is no need to fight

The fact that large and deep pockets are behind the latest ramp up to sell more weapons and control more oil and gas lines has not been lost on a few brave reporters, consider this from

Now after more than 5 years, and many obliterations of the truth in an attempt to save the western banking system have culminated in a sabotage by the west and an ultimatum by the East.  The willingness of the world's first 'Noble Prize for Peace' winning President to continue down this dangerous path shows who controls him and what his final agenda will be.  If the people and the Congress of the formerly 'Most Free Country in the World' don't speak up the living conditions they have enjoyed for a couple centuries, will slip right through their chubby little hands.  This war will not end well for America and it allies.