Category: Earth
Hits: 3312
Energy Flux Density is the measure of increasing energy needs per stage of mankind's evolution
Energy Flux Density is the measure of increasing energy needs per stage of mankind's evolution

Energy Flux Density is a term coined by Lyndon LaRouche, notable economist, that describes the amount of energy needed to support the platform for sustainable life and to maintain human progress.  These 'requirements' are constantly evolving, which makes them in need of an increase over time, which in turn affects the output of the process itself.

When viewed from a platform that doesn't acknowledge increasing levels of order in the universe, the world's energy crisis seems daunting.  When viewed as a challenge that can be met by bright minds of the future with solutions already on the table, there is no stopping the pollution reduction and democratization of energy.  

The current model of energy infrastructure is in place due to the habit of looking at energy processes from bottom up rather than top down, and not acknowledging the bigger picture of energy in the cosmos. Humans are able to adapt and change their environment and are capable of willful self development, the potential for change is there.

Releasing the 'limits of growth' mentality is key to the new paradigm where we are energy producers and consumers, simultaneously.