Category: Cosmos
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 A recent article I was reading on a site sponsored by GE called the txchnologist highlighted an interesting insight into 'Ionic Wind' engines and how they would operate.  The ever resourceful scientists at MIT have developed what is technically called electro-hydrodynamic thrust which is created when enough voltage is applied between two electrodes.

Ion Drive Engines are coming soon
Ion Drive Engines are coming soon

This got me thinking about what a stellar time this decade is for disclosure and about the promise of what the future can hold when collectively, mankind reaches for the stars.

The release of high profile interplanetary engines and project plans aside, we have seen in recent years many tales and videos even of UFO's over large crowds and cities, unexplained slow-motion footage and even a miniature skeleton with unknown DNA in the movie Sirius by Dr. Steven Greer.

While the 'people upstairs' continue to digest what has been blown open in 2013 at government levels, the MSM has continued to do the bidding of the top puppeteers. completely ruling out a release of the critical information, the one confirming that there is intelligent life and that, yes we have made contact.

“Electro-hydrodynamic thrust could be really efficient,” says Steven Barrett, an aerospace engineer and atmospheric scientist who is also the director of MIT’s Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment.  This 'Electrically Driven Wind' could be an advanced tech with no heat, moving parts, and no sound, but also floating between a charged ion stream. The ultimate in stealth propulsion to say the least.

According to the Site:

"When an electric current passes between two electrodes, one of which is thinner than the other, charged particles create movement in the air in-between. If enough voltage is applied, the wind that is generated can produce thrust without needing moving parts or fuel. This phenomenon, technically called electrohydrodynamic thrust, is known as “ionic wind,” and was first proposed in the 1920s. (Ionic wind thrusters differ from ion thrusters used in spacecraft, which blast out streams of electrically charged particles for propulsion.)

For years, hobbyists have posted how-to videos on building “ionocrafts,” lightweight assemblies made of balsa wood, aluminum foil and wire that can rise and hover. Despite such interest, ionic wind was long relegated to science-fair projects and basement experiments, due to the general belief that ionic thrusters were too inefficient to serve as a viable propulsion system, requiring enormous amounts of electricity to generate useful levels of thrust."

Misunderstood potential

However, MIT scientists have recently discovered through experiments that ionic thrusters could actually be a far more efficient source of propulsion than a regular jet engine. Their findings suggest ionic wind can generate upwards of 50 times greater thrust per kilowatt than those run of the mill standard jet engines.  The fact there are no moving parts and motors in these thrusters means they "could propel small, light aircraft silently and without much of a heat signature, potentially making them ideal for spy planes."

Combine this with some of the best cloaking technology and we are looking at some serious stealth folks.

So serious, it'll may even make you believe in Aliens, which may be the goal, BTW ahem, but alas these are serious people talking serious technology so we should listen.

Wait, I still got to get this straight.....No moving parts, only thrusters?,.... ion-o-crafts?  These have got to be the UFO's that we have been hearing about so much.

While I am one to believe in the existence of , well you know the others......I still think that alot of what we are seeing is the black budget craft that have become the sci-fi reality of today.

Amazingly, the folks upstairs have decided the leak is a good thing.  

Who better to keep the power than the ones in the know...

check out Deep Space on GaiaTV, for more info on how the Human Race has continued the quest for knowledge check out this teaser:
