Category: Cosmos
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Swedish designer Oscar Pernefeldt, as a graduation project from the Beckmans College of Design, using the scientific study of flags known as vexillology, has developed an International Flag to signify Unity among astronauts from the Planet Earth.

The proposed flag of Planet Earth

The demonstration of the study of flags, vexillography, is an outcome of heraldry, the study of symbols, colors, placements, typography, and general esthetics of the various designs in Family crests, Corporate symbols, and national flags.


Here’s Mr. Pernefeldt's premise quoting from the website.;




Current expeditions in outer space use different national flags depending on which country is funding the voyage. The space travelers, however, are more than just representatives of their own countries. 

They are representatives of planet Earth.

Possible Future use of the Gaia Flag


1. To be used while representing planet Earth.

2. To remind the people of Earth that we share this planet, no matter of national boundaries. That we should take care of each other and the planet we live on.


Centered in the flag, seven rings form a flower – a symbol of the life on Earth. The rings are linked to each other, which represents how everything on our planet, directly or indirectly, are linked. The blue field represents water which is essential for life – also as the oceans cover most of our planet\'s surface. The flower\'s outer rings form a circle which could be seen as a symbol of Earth as a planet and the blue surface could represent the universe.


Centered on an azure field, seven circles of silver interlaced, creating a flower.  

--------(end quote)

The future is in space as a unified earth, if we can overcome ww3

What does it all mean?

Interesting that this symbolic flag resembles a flower, some would say the 'flower of life'.  The 'flower of life' is an ancient symbol that has been seen in cave paintings and rock art, Leonardo Da Vinci\'s inspired works, and Drunvalo Melchizidek's life changing book, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.  

the flower of lifefrom da vinci
leonardo da vinci\'s manuscript, (Credit Wikimedia)

It is a circle comprised of six interlocking circles, and is what\'s known as a \'sacred geometry\'.  What makes a geometry sacred? It is when that geometry reflects a natural pattern, shape, order or unfolding.  It reflects a pattern of biological growth that is underlying all of creation.  The sacred geometric shapes are the building blocks of all shapes in creation.

the platonic solids


the principle elements of shape and building

the platonic and archimedean solids


That the international flag is one more ring than a normal flower of life is a nice gesture, a symbolic ring over the natural, organic symbol.   The overlaying ring, and it's meaning , is something people will have to consider as we branch out into space at possible warp speed.  It may come to symbolize our intentions in the solar system and galaxy, and as we encounter other planets and forms of life, our intentions will be paramount to our results in the endeavor.  Will we be a force for good in the solar system and beyond? Or, conversely, will there be more domination and destruction as we settle the alien landscapes.

The question that arises is, who does this flag symbol communicate to? We all know the flags from our own world, there are not that many countries in space as it is, why do we need this \'unified\' flag? Maybe someday we will have to let another species know that we are from the Earth, and at least now we got a leg up on that need, when it happens!

Perhaps this is a symbolic flag that is already in use on the secret Mars base or the way station on the moon?  One can definitely see the need for this when considering that the space war has been happening for almost 40 years and that our star brothers need to identify our Space Cadets if and when they encounter them, so that they can assist the weaker starling, and our species greater mission to god seed into the universe, organically, free from cyborg dominance and overlord control. Without the cataclysm that led us to the 'Current Situation' we find ourselves in.

Stay tuned as we uncover the true extent of man in the Cosmos, and how we will unveil the fifth awakening in our time.