Category: Mission
Hits: 3442

This inspiring story shows the power of one focused mind to change the world around him from a barren desert to a bountiful harvest with determination.  Imagine what could happen if everyone got together on the soil improvement kick and decided to engage in the world's natural algorithms-seeds.


The western world has long forgotten the benefits of healthy soil in exchange for a quick pure crop and CASH.  Long ago, enlightened thinkers even gave us insights into creating healthy soils and biodynamic farming techniques that are proving to be highly successful for bringing back the microbes that feed the roots of our fruit and vegetable bearing crops.  Rudolph Steiner is known for his anthroposophic philosophy and has lectured about the importance of soil health.  Today we are returning to the principles of permaculture and finding that bountiful, long term harvests are a result of feeding the little guys- something the \'Master Gardeners\' might take a lesson from in the allegory of life.

"This inspiring story shows the power of one focused mind to change the world around him from a barren desert to a bountiful harvest with determination."