Category: Music from Electra Weaver
Hits: 3553


The state of things is crazy right now and to escape from it all, sometimes all you wanna do is 'blow that grass'.  When you do be sure to watch this video and hopefully get a laugh out of it.  The world has become much to serious for me, people are confused and it's times like these that you just need to bust a move and forget it for a minute.  

If you don't find that at least slightly entertaining, there's not alot of hope left for you.  Of course this one ain't perfect, like alot of things, but I did what i could do on my free time in a non studio with the tools that i had - I'm sure you could tell.  

I hope it was as fun for you as it was for me!

You can always reach me on the interwebs and such.  Peace to Pieces ya'll

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Be sure to let me know on twitter (@Electraweaver) or by email electraweaver @